The celebrated American vocalist Britney Spears’ new narrative show named, Framing Britney Spears broadcasted as of late on mainstream TV organizations, FX and Hulu. The show features the ascent of Spears and her court fight with her dad.
One individual which can be seen continually on the show was a lady called, Felicia Culotta, who is Britney’s nearby buddy and filled in as a partner of her for quite a while.
Felicia Culotta rose into the spotlight for being the dear companion and individual collaborator for the popular singing symbol, Britney Spears.
She has not opened about her folks, kin, and instructive capability to us. The Wikipedia of Felicia Culotta isn’t seen on the web so far.
Talking about her real date of birth, it has been left hidden by her. However, we here accepted that Felicia Culotta’s age could be during the 30s.
Felicia at first worked for Britney Spears from 1998 to 2007. After which she went to work for Jonas Brothers in 2007. From her Instagram account, we come to realize that she has functioned as an Artist and Producer at the JulietMusical.
Following two years, Culotta returned and joined the group of Britney Spears once more. In 2016, Britney designated her VIP facilitator for Britney’s meet and welcomes.
As of ongoing news revealed by OK Magazine, Brtiney Spears companion/individual partner, Felicia Culotta was terminated by Spears’ father, Jamie Spears in the wake of assuming control over his little girl’s bequest.
Who is she hitched to? Because of an absence of solid data about her wedded life, we have no idea about Felicia Culotta’s better half. Accordingly, we accepted that she may perhaps be an unmarried lady right now.
From her expert profession, it is assessed that she has gotten a respectable amount of pay. Be that as it may, the previous individual partner of Britney Spear, Felicia Culotta’s total assets is muddled as of now.
Felicia Culotta is additionally dynamic on her Instagram @feliciaculotta1. She consistently utilizes the web-based media webpage and regularly posts a few fascinating and quirking images just as amusing statements.